Ethical career decisions

Setting boundaries for writing recommendation letters.

Career resources: alternatives to employment/interships in ethically problematic sectors.

Writing by individual JMC members

No cops in the lecture hall: cheating and what (not) to do about it by Rashid Amerzaine and Root Beer.

Quantitative power-mapping: a proof of concept in Boston by Rashid Amerzaine and Bernard Flores.

Mathematics Beyond Genocide: Scientific Boycott of Israel by representatives of the JMC.

External Resources

Examining the modeling framework of crime hotspot models in predictive policing, by Heidi Goodson and Alanna Hoyer-Leitzel.

Towards decolonising computational sciences, by Abeba Birhane and Olivia Guest.

Building equity-minded online programs, by Justin Lanier and Marissa Kawehi Loving.

If You're New to Abolition: Study Group Guide, Abolition Journal.

Inclusion/Exclusion (formerly AMS Inclusion/Exclusion blog), in particular this post by Piper H.

Ethics in Mathematics Readings by Allison N. Miller.

Against Cop Shit by Jeffrey Moro.

Mathematics for Prison Abolition syllabus by Elijah Appelson.